How do we show up for ourselves and for the world?
What might a life worth living look like now?
Who might we yet become and what are we ready to bring to our living?
These are the questions so many of us are living into and they are questions worth asking…whether we are at the beginning of our journey of adulthood, in the midst of it all, or in a time of less than abundant time. It doesn’t matter really, what age or stage…what matters most is how we choose to shape our days such that the days themselves carry a potency and a significance that is worthy of our gifts.
My new course, The Heroic Journey: A Life of Valor, Purpose, Authenticity and Happiness, emerged out of a longing within myself that seemed to resonate with so many others. A longing to become more clear, more alive, more ready to take on this next phase of living, in a world that remains beautiful and chaotic, dangerous and wondrous, precious and fragile.
We will consider how we activate wisdom, what happiness, hope and beauty have to do with our sense of mattering and significance; where the better angels reside now; and what the natural kingdoms have to teach us. We invite in psychology and history, art and music, poetry and intuition and allow all the aspects of our knowing to have a place in the journey.
And it is a course built on kindness…kind to you, kind to me, kind in price, and kind in its invitation to explore this moment with rampant compassion. There is no other way forward…we must learn to respect the very moment we are in in order to find the courage to enter a new landscape.
I so hope you consider joining me in April as we begin. A lovely discount awaits if you register prior to April 1…and please bring your friends. There is so much to learn from each other.
More information is here: https://bit.ly/3T1QJbm
Any day might be the day we raise the level of our own courageous exploration of who we are and what we might yet offer.
Love, Maria